学费 & 费用
Investment begins with education. 哈丁西蒙斯的使命一直是一个社区,致力于提供卓越的教育启发基督教信仰和价值观. 你的大学学位和成功的事业都触手可及.
支付大学学费是学生、他们的家庭和大学之间的共同努力. 学生(和他们的父母,如果受抚养)主要负责高等教育费用,应该支付, 在他们有能力的范围内, 过往收入(储蓄), 当前收入(付款计划), 未来收入(借款). 在HSU支付账单的资源将包括HSU的投资和可能来自联邦/州/外部来源的援助. 中国赌博平台努力降低出勤成本,同时保持较高的学术标准. 经济援助办公室考虑每个学生的个人经济状况,并在整个经济援助过程中为学生提供帮助.
Learn More About Cost of Attendance
就读成本(COA)是一所大学一年的总估计费用,包括学费, 住宿和膳食, 书, 供应, 旅行, 贷款费用, 个人开支. 学校的估计COA用于确定每个学生是否有资格获得经济援助, 比如赠款和贷款. 请联系财政援助办公室有关出席的估计费用的任何问题 financialaid@tarokaji.com
一所学校的出勤成本是由该机构确定的承担相同学业工作量的学生的估计金额. 如果你认为你有特殊情况,可能会增加你的出席费用, 你可提交 Cost of Attendance Adjustment Appeal.
Featured Facts and Information
本科 Costs for 2023-2024 and 2024-2025
在中国赌博平台,我们尽量使上大学的经济部分尽可能简单. 以下是按类别分类的学杂费,以便您轻松了解总成本.
Talk to Us About Affording HSU
在中国赌博平台,我们尽量使上大学的财务规划尽可能简单. 下面你会发现所有组成部分的清单,可以构成一个学生在中文博彩平台就读的成本.
- 学费 & 费用 -承担相同学业工作量的学生通常需要支付的数额, as determined by the institution.
- Books, Course Materials, Supplies and 设备 -购书津贴, 课程材料, 和设备, 哪些费用必须包括所有学生在同一课程学习所需的所有费用, 包括租金或预付个人电脑的合理津贴, as determined by the institution.
- 生活费(住房) -有或无受养人居住在机构拥有或经营的房屋内的学生,其房屋津贴必须根据向该等居民征收的房屋费用的平均值或中位数计算, 取较大的.
- 生活费(伙食费) -提供相当于每日三餐的标准食物津贴, 无论学生是否选择学校拥有或经营的食品服务(i.e.,膳食计划).
- 运输 -津贴, as determined by the institution, which may include 运输 between 校园, 住宅, 工作地点.
- Miscellaneous 个人支出 -津贴, as determined by the institution, 适用于在该机构学习至少一半时间的学生.
- 贷款费用 (联邦)-任何联邦学生贷款费用的津贴, 融资费用, 或向学生或学生家长收取的保险费.
- 专业执照、证书或第一专业证书—零用钱 f或者是 costs associated with obtaining a license, 认证, or a first professional credential, 为学生准备进入需要这种资格的职业的课程.
- *依赖护理-根据被抚养人照料所发生的估计实际费用计算的津贴, based on the number and age of such dependents.
- *Disability-related expenses—零用钱, as determined by the institution, for expenses associated with a student’s disability, 包括特别服务, 个人援助, 运输, 设备, 以及由其他机构合理支付而非提供的物资.
- *留学费用-零用钱 for reasonable costs, as determined by the institution, 在国外学习的学生被本国机构批准获得学分.
- **Cooperative education costs—零用钱 for reasonable costs, as determined by the institution, 在合作教育项目中从事工作经验的学生与这种工作相关的.
- **Online or Study by correspondence – 必须包括学费和杂费,如果需要的话,包括书籍、课程材料、用品和设备. A school may also include an allowance for 旅行, 住房, 还有住宿培训期间的伙食费.
- **Confined or incarcerated students -可能只包括学费 & 费用, 书, 课程材料, 供应, 和设备, the cost of obtaining a license, 认证, or a first professional credential.
- 不到半场时间 – Must include any components (tuition and 费用; 书, 课程材料, 供应, 和设备; and 运输) normally applied to students who are enrolled less than half-time, along with any other components (disability expenses, 等.),而非明文禁止的活动(例如.g., miscellaneous personal expenses). May also include an allowance for living expenses, including food and 住房 costs, 最多三个学期, 或者类似的, with no more than two semesters being consecutive.
- **军房(BAH) -住在军事基地住房内或根据第37编第403(b)节领取基本津贴的学生, 美国法典, 机构必须包括合理的校内或校外伙食费,但不包括住房费用.
标有星号(*或**)的出勤费用部分可以根据学生的要求和填写一份 出勤费用调整 appeal. 请注意,上诉需要提供支持请求的具体文件.
*下面的图表概述了2023-24年和2024-2025年学费和一般费用的估计. 全日制学生每学期至少学习12-17个学分,费用以整个学年(秋季和春季学期)为基础,不包括特定课程的费用.
请参阅我们的官方 出勤费用页面 或者是 大学目录 了解更多信息.
(Not including course-specific 费用, 书, other misc. 费用) | 2023-2024 | 2024-2025 |
学费* | $30,694 | $31,920 |
所需的费用 | $992 | $1,040 |
* Full-Time 本科 学费 & 费用 (12-17 hours per semester; does not include course-specific 费用)
Part Time undergraduate tuition is 每小时995美元 (例如:995美元x 9小时=每学期8,955美元x2 =每年费用17,910美元)
本科护理是 每小时800元 (例如:800美元× 15小时=每学期12,000美元x2 =每年24,000美元的费用)
在线RN到BSN为 每小时400元 (例如:400美元× 12小时=每学期4,800美元x2 =每年9,600美元)
一般费用 | ||
一年 | ’23-’24 | ’24-’25 |
秋天/Spring/Summer Semesters – 12 hours or more | $496 | $520 |
秋天/Spring/Summer Semesters – 9-11 hours | $382 | $400 |
秋天/Spring/Summer Semesters – 5-8 hours | $288 | $300 |
秋天/Spring/Summer Semesters – 1-4 hours | $244 | $250 |
因未交学费而退课的重新注册费用 | $100 | $100 |
正常注册后更改课程安排,每门课程取消 | $20 | $20 |
院系学分考试(进阶学分/先修学分) | $50 | $50 |
Diploma (for each original duplicate, or replacement diploma) | $80 | $80 |
Music facilities fee, per semester hour of private lessons | $95 | $95 |
Music private instruction fee, per semester hour | $295 | $295 |
Physical education activity courses (Lab fee) | $45 | $45 |
商业课程费用 | $75 | |
工程课程费用 | $1,000 | |
特殊检查 | $30 | $30 |
成绩单,每份(成绩单签发前必须是当前账户) | $10 | $10 |
邮政快件 | $35 | $35 |
审核费(审核费用,不计入学分),每学期 | $100 | $100 |
School of Nursing security fee (background check) | $50 | $50 |
School of Nursing malpractice insurance fee | $50 | $50 |
School of Nursing soft exam fee | $65 | $65 |
退回支票 | $35 | $35 |
补领学生证 | $25 | $25 |
缴费计划报名费 | $80 | $80 |
Late payment fee (payment received 5 days or more after due date) | $80 | $80 |
Living on 校园 at HSU means quality surroundings, and endless opportunities to get involved and make friends.
宿舍房间 & 公用事业费用,每学期 | ||
一年 | ’23-’24 | ’24-’25 |
安德森(男性) | $2,350 | $2,500 |
兰格(女性) | $2,900 | $2,975 |
普里查德(女性) | $3,175 | |
五月学期教室 | $400 | $400 |
夏季活动室 | $450 | $450 |
Single Room Charge (如果可用) 秋天 & 春季学期 可能/夏季学期 |
Additional 50% of normal room rate | Additional 50% of normal room rate |
大学的地方 & 狼的公寓 | ||
All rates are for each term (fall, spring)** | ’23-’24 | ’24-’25 |
4卧室2浴室 | $2,375 | $2,420 |
2卧室1浴室 | $2,920 | $2,980 |
2卧室2浴室 | $3,530 | $3,600 |
1间卧室1间浴室 | $3,715 | $3,790 |
Brown, Culpepper, Martin, and Watanabe-Kimura Apartments | ||
4卧室2浴室 | $2,765 | $2,840 |
2卧室1浴室 | $3,180 | $3,280 |
2卧室2浴室 | $3,900 | $4,000 |
1间卧室1间浴室 | $4.175 | $4,250 |
Single Apartment Charge for 2-bedroom apartment. (如果可用) 秋天 & 春季学期 可能/夏季学期 |
Additional 50% of normal apartment rate | Additional 50% of normal apartment rate |
**暑期住宿申请 4月30日到期:
夏天1 & 2 $450 ea.
On-Campus House Rent (Utilities included) ’23-’24 and ’24-’25
(Single Student) Cost/Student/Semester
- 一卧室一浴室-$4,340
- 2卧室1浴室-$3,720
- 2卧室2浴室-$4,330
- 3卧室1浴室-$3,630
- 3卧室2浴室-$3,890
(Family Student) Cost/Family/Semester
- 一卧室一浴室-$4,790
- 2卧室1浴室-$5,300
- 2卧室2浴室-$5,700
- 3卧室1浴室-$6,550
- 3卧室2浴室-$7,040
HSU餐饮为学生提供各种餐饮计划和选择,遍布校园, 教师, staff and guests to enjoy a sit-down meal, 在路上吃三明治, or a cup of coffee on the way to class.
Learn more about the Caf, POD, and Gilberts Coffee at 许自助餐厅.
居民膳食计划 As a student living in a Residence Hall, HSU要求您从大学餐饮设施购买膳食. HSU provides you a choice from the meal plans listed below. The Unlimited plan is the most flexible choice, 因为你可以每学期吃多少次就吃多少次. 用餐美元是可用于在POD中购物的现金美元, 三明治小屋, 餐厅 和/或吉尔伯特的咖啡店. 随着住房政策的变化,允许即将升学的二年级学生住在我们的校内公寓, t在这里 is a full meal plan requirement. |
每学期价格 | ’23-’24 | ’24-’25 |
Unlimited Meals (includes sales tax plus $50 Dining Dollars) | $2,950 | $2,950 |
Weekly 14 (includes sales tax plus $100 Dining Dollars) | $2,640 | $2,640 |
Weekly 10 (includes sales tax plus $250 Dining Dollars) | $2,410 | $2,410 |
非居民膳食计划 If you are a non-resident student at HSU, 当你在校园里的时候,你仍然可以购买一份膳食计划,和你的朋友在餐厅吃饭. HSU为非住校学生提供三种套餐选择. The Block represents the total meals you purchase for a semester. When you use those meals is up to you. 如果你在学期结束前没有使用完所有的餐点,你只会失去餐点. 用餐美元是可用于在POD中购物的现金美元, 三明治小屋, 餐厅, 和/或吉尔伯特的咖啡店. |
每学期价格 | ’23-’24 | ’24-’25 |
Block 80 (80 meals/semester; includes sales tax plus $75 Dining Dollars) | $980 | $980 |
Block 50 (50 meals/semester; includes sales tax plus $50 Dining Dollars) | $620 | $620 |
Block 30(每学期30顿饭,包括销售税和$180用餐费) | $570 | $570 |
买书的预算津贴, 课程材料, 供应, 和设备, 哪些费用必须包括所有学生在同一课程学习所需的所有费用, 包括租金或预付个人电脑的合理津贴, as determined by the institution. Currently HSU budgets f或者是 estimated cost of 书, 课程材料, 供应 和设备 to be $1,每年060.
运输 is a part of the estimated cost of attendance. HSU estimates 旅行 expenses of $1,每年462, which may include 运输 between home, 校园, 还有你工作的地方. If you believe your cost will be greater, you may request a 出勤费用调整. 有足够的文件, 可以根据HSU财务援助办公室的决定对您的出勤费用进行更改.
杂项个人费用是估计费用的一部分. HSU estimates personal expenses of $1,每年840, 适用于在该机构学习至少一半时间的学生. If you believe your cost will be greater, you may request a 出勤费用调整. 有足够的文件, 可以根据HSU财务援助办公室的决定对您的出勤费用进行更改.
The cost of obtaining a professional license, 认证, 或者第一个专业证书是估计出勤费用的一部分. HSU根据授予许可证的监管机构的具体计划和成本估算这些费用. Students who are in programs leading to a license, 认证或第一专业证书将由HSU财政援助办公室将这一特定部分添加到出席费用中. If you believe your cost will be greater, you may request a 出勤费用调整. 有足够的文件, 可以根据HSU财务援助办公室的决定对您的出勤费用进行更改.
*需要更正以下任何项目的出勤费用的学生可以通过提交一份 学费申诉.
**符合这些学生类别之一的学生将在HSU的经济援助审计中调整其出勤费, 在援助支付之前.
- *依赖护理-根据被抚养人照料所发生的估计实际费用计算的津贴, based on the number and age of such dependents.
- *Disability-related expenses—零用钱, as determined by the institution, for expenses associated with a student’s disability, 包括特别服务, 个人援助, 运输, 设备, 以及由其他机构合理支付而非提供的物资.
- *留学费用-零用钱 for reasonable costs, as determined by the institution, 在国外学习的学生被本国机构批准获得学分.
- **Cooperative education costs—零用钱 for reasonable costs, as determined by the institution, 在合作教育项目中从事工作经验的学生与这种工作相关的.
- **Online or Study by correspondence – 必须包括学费和杂费,如果需要的话,包括书籍、课程材料、用品和设备. A school may also include an allowance for 旅行, 住房, 还有住宿培训期间的伙食费.
- **Confined or incarcerated students-可能只包括学费 & 费用, 书, 课程材料, 供应, 和设备, the cost of obtaining a license, 认证, or a first professional credential.
- 不到半场时间 – Must include any components (tuition and 费用; 书, 课程材料, 供应, 和设备; and 运输) normally applied to students who are enrolled less than half-time, along with any other components (disability expenses, 等.),而非明文禁止的活动(例如.g., miscellaneous personal expenses). May also include an allowance for living expenses, including food and 住房 costs, 最多三个学期, 或者类似的, with no more than two semesters being consecutive.
- **军房(BAH) -住在军事基地住房内或根据第37编第403(b)节领取基本津贴的学生, 美国法典, 机构必须包括合理的校内或校外伙食费,但不包括住房费用.
研究生 Costs for 2023-2024 and 2024-2025
申请中文博彩平台的研究生课程是一个伟大的决定! 学费和杂费的费用根据你所参加的课程而有所不同, so be sure to view the lists of tuition and 费用 below.
Talk to Us About Affording HSU
在中国赌博平台,我们尽量使上大学的财务规划尽可能简单. 下面你会发现所有组成部分的清单,可以构成一个学生在中文博彩平台就读的成本.
- 学费 & 费用 -承担相同学业工作量的学生通常需要支付的数额, as determined by the institution.
- Books, Course Materials, Supplies and 设备 -购书津贴, 课程材料, 和设备, 哪些费用必须包括所有学生在同一课程学习所需的所有费用, 包括租金或预付个人电脑的合理津贴, as determined by the institution.
- 生活费(住房) -有或无受养人居住在机构拥有或经营的房屋内的学生,其房屋津贴必须根据向该等居民征收的房屋费用的平均值或中位数计算, 取较大的.
- 生活费(伙食费) -提供相当于每日三餐的标准食物津贴, 无论学生是否选择学校拥有或经营的食品服务(i.e.,膳食计划).
- 运输 -津贴, as determined by the institution, which may include 运输 between 校园, 住宅, 工作地点.
- Miscellaneous 个人支出 -津贴, as determined by the institution, 适用于在该机构学习至少一半时间的学生.
- 贷款费用 (联邦)-任何联邦学生贷款费用的津贴, 融资费用, 或向学生或学生家长收取的保险费.
- 专业执照、证书或第一专业证书—零用钱 f或者是 costs associated with obtaining a license, 认证, or a first professional credential, 为学生准备进入需要这种资格的职业的课程.
- *依赖护理-根据被抚养人照料所发生的估计实际费用计算的津贴, based on the number and age of such dependents.
- *Disability-related expenses—零用钱, as determined by the institution, for expenses associated with a student’s disability, 包括特别服务, 个人援助, 运输, 设备, 以及由其他机构合理支付而非提供的物资.
- *留学费用-零用钱 for reasonable costs, as determined by the institution, 在国外学习的学生被本国机构批准获得学分.
- **Cooperative education costs—零用钱 for reasonable costs, as determined by the institution, 在合作教育项目中从事工作经验的学生与这种工作相关的.
- **Online or Study by correspondence – 必须包括学费和杂费,如果需要的话,包括书籍、课程材料、用品和设备. A school may also include an allowance for 旅行, 住房, 还有住宿培训期间的伙食费.
- **Confined or incarcerated students -可能只包括学费 & 费用, 书, 课程材料, 供应, 和设备, the cost of obtaining a license, 认证, or a first professional credential.
- 不到半场时间 – Must include any components (tuition and 费用; 书, 课程材料, 供应, 和设备; and 运输) normally applied to students who are enrolled less than half-time, along with any other components (disability expenses, 等.),而非明文禁止的活动(例如.g., miscellaneous personal expenses). May also include an allowance for living expenses, including food and 住房 costs, 最多三个学期, 或者类似的, with no more than two semesters being consecutive.
- **军房(BAH) -住在军事基地住房内或根据第37编第403(b)节领取基本津贴的学生, 美国法典, 机构必须包括合理的校内或校外伙食费,但不包括住房费用.
标有星号(*或**)的出勤费用部分可以根据学生的要求和填写一份 出勤费用调整 appeal. 请注意,上诉需要提供支持请求的具体文件.
*下面的图表概述了2023-24学年和2024-2025学年的研究生课程费用. 费用是基于每小时或每学期的费率根据您的具体计划.
请参阅我们的官方 出勤费用页面 或者是 研究生大学目录 了解更多信息.
研究生学费 | 2023-24 | 2024-25 |
研究生/学时 | $995 | $995 |
All online-only graduate programs | $595 | $595 |
Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing, 研究生/credit hour | $595 | $595 |
*物理治疗学费,每学期 | $12,790 | $13,174 |
*医师助理学费,每学期 | $13,986 | $14,686 |
*学生不能按小时收费购买这些课程. 然而, 课程的总费用除以完成课程所需的课时数, 等于:
一般费用 | ||
一年 | ’22-’23 | ’23-’24 |
秋天/Spring/Summer Semesters – 12 hours or more | $496 | $496 |
秋天/Spring/Summer Semesters – 9-11 hours | $382 | $382 |
秋天/Spring/Summer Semesters – 5-8 hours | $288 | $288 |
秋天/Spring/Summer Semesters – 1-4 hours | $244 | $244 |
因未交学费而退课的重新注册费用 | $100 | $100 |
正常注册后更改课程安排,每门课程取消 | $20 | $20 |
院系学分考试(进阶学分/先修学分) | $50 | $50 |
Diploma (for each original duplicate, or replacement diploma) | $80 | $80 |
Music facilities fee, per semester hour of private lessons | $95 | $95 |
Music private instruction fee, per semester hour | $295 | $295 |
Physical education activity courses (Lab fee) | $45 | $45 |
特殊检查 | $30 | $30 |
成绩单,每份(成绩单签发前必须是当前账户) | $10 | $10 |
邮政快件 | $35 | $35 |
审核费(审核费用,不计入学分),每学期 | $100 | $100 |
School of Nursing security fee (background check) | $50 | $50 |
School of Nursing malpractice insurance fee | $50 | $50 |
School of Nursing soft exam fee | $65 | $65 |
退回支票 | $35 | $35 |
补领学生证 | $25 | $25 |
缴费计划报名费 | $80 | $80 |
Late payment fee (payment received 5 days or more after due date) | $80 | $80 |
Living on 校园 at HSU means quality surroundings, and endless opportunities to get involved and make friends.
宿舍房间 & 公用事业费用,每学期 | ||
一年 | ’23-’24 | ’24-’25 |
安德森(男性) | $2,350 | $2,500 |
兰格(女性) | $2,900 | $2,975 |
普里查德(女性) | $3,175 | |
五月学期教室 | $400 | $400 |
夏季活动室 | $450 | $450 |
Single Room Charge (如果可用) 秋天 & 春季学期 可能/夏季学期 |
Additional 50% of normal room rate | Additional 50% of normal room rate |
大学的地方 & 狼的公寓 | ||
All rates are for each term (fall, spring)** | ’23-’24 | ’24-’25 |
4卧室2浴室 | $2,375 | $2,420 |
2卧室1浴室 | $2,920 | $2,980 |
2卧室2浴室 | $3,530 | $3,600 |
1间卧室1间浴室 | $3,715 | $3,790 |
Brown, Culpepper, Martin, and Watanabe-Kimura Apartments | ||
4卧室2浴室 | $2,765 | $2,840 |
2卧室1浴室 | $3,180 | $3,280 |
2卧室2浴室 | $3,900 | $4,000 |
1间卧室1间浴室 | $4.175 | $4,250 |
Single Apartment Charge for 2-bedroom apartment. (如果可用) 秋天 & 春季学期 可能/夏季学期 |
Additional 50% of normal apartment rate | Additional 50% of normal apartment rate |
**暑期住宿申请 4月30日到期:
夏天1 & 2 $450 ea.
On-Campus House Rent (Utilities included) ’23-’24 and ’24-’25
(Single Student) Cost/Student/Semester
- 一卧室一浴室-$4,340
- 2卧室1浴室-$3,720
- 2卧室2浴室-$4,330
- 3卧室1浴室-$3,630
- 3卧室2浴室-$3,890
(Family Student) Cost/Family/Semester
- 一卧室一浴室-$4,790
- 2卧室1浴室-$5,300
- 2卧室2浴室-$5,700
- 3卧室1浴室-$6,550
- 3卧室2浴室-$7,040
HSU餐饮为学生提供各种餐饮计划和选择,遍布校园, 教师, staff and guests to enjoy a sit-down meal, 在路上吃三明治, or a cup of coffee on the way to class.
Learn more about the Caf, POD, and Gilberts Coffee at 许自助餐厅.
居民膳食计划 As a student living in a Residence Hall, HSU要求您从大学餐饮设施购买膳食. HSU provides you a choice from the meal plans listed below. The Unlimited plan is the most flexible choice, 因为你可以每学期吃多少次就吃多少次. 用餐美元是可用于在POD中购物的现金美元, 三明治小屋, 餐厅 和/或吉尔伯特的咖啡店. 随着住房政策的变化,允许即将升学的二年级学生住在我们的校内公寓, t在这里 is a full meal plan requirement. |
每学期价格 | ’23-’24 | ’24-’25 |
Unlimited Meals (includes sales tax plus $50 Dining Dollars) | $2,950 | $2,950 |
Weekly 14 (includes sales tax plus $100 Dining Dollars) | $2,640 | $2,640 |
Weekly 10 (includes sales tax plus $250 Dining Dollars) | $2,410 | $2,410 |
非居民膳食计划 If you are a non-resident student at HSU, 当你在校园里的时候,你仍然可以购买一份膳食计划,和你的朋友在餐厅吃饭. HSU为非住校学生提供三种套餐选择. The Block represents the total meals you purchase for a semester. When you use those meals is up to you. 如果你在学期结束前没有使用完所有的餐点,你只会失去餐点. 用餐美元是可用于在POD中购物的现金美元, 三明治小屋, 餐厅, 和/或吉尔伯特的咖啡店. |
每学期价格 | ’23-’24 | ’24-’25 |
Block 80 (80 meals/semester; includes sales tax plus $75 Dining Dollars) | $980 | $980 |
Block 50 (50 meals/semester; includes sales tax plus $50 Dining Dollars) | $620 | $620 |
Block 30(每学期30顿饭,包括销售税和$180用餐费) | $570 | $570 |
买书的预算津贴, 课程材料, 供应, 和设备, 哪些费用必须包括所有学生在同一课程学习所需的所有费用, 包括租金或预付个人电脑的合理津贴, as determined by the institution. Currently HSU budgets f或者是 estimated cost of 书, 课程材料, 供应 和设备 to be $1,每年060. If you believe your cost will be greater, you may request a 出勤费用调整. 有足够的文件, 可以根据HSU财务援助办公室的决定对您的出勤费用进行更改.
运输 is a part of the estimated cost of attendance. HSU estimates 旅行 expenses of $1,每年462, which may include 运输 between home, 校园, 还有你工作的地方. If you believe your cost will be greater, you may request a 出勤费用调整. 有足够的文件, 可以根据HSU财务援助办公室的决定对您的出勤费用进行更改.
杂项个人费用是估计费用的一部分. HSU estimates personal expenses of $1,每年840, 适用于在该机构学习至少一半时间的学生. If you believe your cost will be greater, you may request a 出勤费用调整. 有足够的文件, 可以根据HSU财务援助办公室的决定对您的出勤费用进行更改.
The cost of obtaining a professional license, 认证, 或者第一个专业证书是估计出勤费用的一部分. HSU根据授予许可证的监管机构的具体计划和成本估算这些费用. Students who are in programs leading to a license, 认证或第一专业证书将由HSU财政援助办公室将这一特定部分添加到出席费用中. If you believe your cost will be greater, you may request a 出勤费用调整. 有足够的文件, 可以根据HSU财务援助办公室的决定对您的出勤费用进行更改.
*需要更正任何这些项目的出勤费用的学生可以通过提交一份 学费申诉.
**符合这些学生类别之一的学生将在HSU的经济援助审计中调整其出勤费, 在援助支付之前.
- *依赖护理-根据被抚养人照料所发生的估计实际费用计算的津贴, based on the number and age of such dependents.
- *Disability-related expenses—零用钱, as determined by the institution, for expenses associated with a student’s disability, 包括特别服务, 个人援助, 运输, 设备, 以及由其他机构合理支付而非提供的物资.
- *留学费用-零用钱 for reasonable costs, as determined by the institution, 在国外学习的学生被本国机构批准获得学分.
- **Cooperative education costs—零用钱 for reasonable costs, as determined by the institution, 在合作教育项目中从事工作经验的学生与这种工作相关的.
- **Online or Study by correspondence – 必须包括学费和杂费,如果需要的话,包括书籍、课程材料、用品和设备. A school may also include an allowance for 旅行, 住房, 还有住宿培训期间的伙食费.
- **Confined or incarcerated students-可能只包括学费 & 费用, 书, 课程材料, 供应, 和设备, the cost of obtaining a license, 认证, or a first professional credential.
- 不到半场时间 – Must include any components (tuition and 费用; 书, 课程材料, 供应, 和设备; and 运输) normally applied to students who are enrolled less than half-time, along with any other components (disability expenses, 等.),而非明文禁止的活动(例如.g., miscellaneous personal expenses). May also include an allowance for living expenses, including food and 住房 costs, 最多三个学期, 或者类似的, with no more than two semesters being consecutive.
- **军房(BAH) -住在军事基地住房内或根据第37编第403(b)节领取基本津贴的学生, 美国法典, 机构必须包括合理的校内或校外伙食费,但不包括住房费用.